Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hello from Momma-to-Be

Okay now that was embarassing- our dogs used to treat our bed like their personal couch. You can even see my little foot in the lower right hand corner of the picture of Ginger sleeping in our bed back in the pre-pregnancy days. She looks comfortable doesn't she?

We're so used to the dogs being our children and so it's interesting to demote them in a sense.

I do wonder if they can sense my pregnancy? Ginger definitely cuddles more and looks me in the eye for long periods of time.

Bailey has taken to the increase in her training regimen quite well and with an enormous amount of patience on her part. I say patience because we instruct her to sit, stay, come, heel, no-get-down multiple times a day. She's much bigger than Ginger and has a habit of jumping on us when we arrive home- something we've now put a stop to.

These are the things we've been thinking about these days- getting the dogs and the house ready for the baby. We haven't really focused on getting ourselves ready because we're still wrapping our heads around the idea of being expectant parents.

We're having a great time announcing our pregnancy and responding to everyone's well wishes and congratulations. I especially love listening to the advice and words of wisdom from those who are mothers. You can bet I'll be asking tons of questions! You know who you are smile.

Eventually we'll start to get the nursery ready, think about our birth plan and all of those logistics. For now, we're content to dwell in the newness of our pregnancy and sharing our joy with loved ones.

1 comment:

ashley koe said...

I love the counter on the top right corner! and the name of the blog! :o) sooo cuute! awww. May you be blessed with many comments!