Monday, August 25, 2008

Have pillow, will travel

One of the cooler tips in my Pregnant Lady Bag-o-Tricks is to always keep a pillow and blanket in the car. I'm sure legions of pregnant women have discovered exactly how handy it is to have a nap-kit ready at all times.

For me, it has been a life saver. Naps are an unpredictable thing- it's hard to predict when you will need one and harder still to predict when you can actually take one.

Having a body pillow and a soft blanket lets me sneak away to my car at the best of times and sometimes at the most desperate of times to comfortably nap.

Sometimes I'll have time before meeting a friend for lunch for a quick snooze while parked in the mall parking lot, or at someone's house (someone's very understanding house, mind you) when I've gone visiting and the urge to sleep overcomes me.

I've spent countless lunch breaks at work napping in my car. Once, I napped under my desk after work before my evening commute home to recharge my batteries.

Like I said, have pillow, will nap.

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