Momma and Bronwyn sitting in the front yard. Check out momma's new glasses!

Bron loves her momma and will reach up and grab her momma's face/hair/mouth.

We think she is especially cute but are still uncertain who she looks like.

Winter has been banished and the flowers are blooming.
Bronwyn is three months old today! Her momma loves to give her kisses.
We're sprung on Miss B and took some pictures after work tonight to capture how she is growing-up right before our eyes. She is only now starting to fit into her 0-3 month clothing and many are still a little big on her. Newborn sizes are starting to get snug and she has even outgrown a couple outfits. Three months have flown by since she was born on January 31st.
Her parents are still sleep-deprived. That much is the same but other things have changed.
Bronwyn is smiling, loves baths, can grab her toys and has discovered her hands are perfect for putting in her mouth (as are her toys, blanket...etc.)
She loves to sleep next to her parents and slept through the night only once just to tease them.
She's goes with momma to work every day and gets a kick out of all her big people friends there.
She's occasionally fussy, especially when she's hungry and momma's in the bathtub trying to take a break (right).
She continues to communicate effectively and lets us know when she wants to eat, how she likes to be held (upright, thank you very much), and when she is sick of playing with her toys. But most of the time she's her laid-back self.
She finally doesn't mind diaper changes and will give us a big old grin when we change her clothes.
She talks up a storm, babbles to anyone who will babble back- nothing delights her more than having a conversation.
She really digs it when mom does her song and dance routine- she's not very discerning in her tastes yet when it comes to momma's singing.
She'd like to be in perpetual bounce-jiggle-pat-the-back motion which wears her momma out sometimes.
She scrunches her eyebrows when she is thinking, which is almost constantly as she is quite the thinker.
She really-really-really loves baths, so much it is worth mentioning a second time. When she is especially fussy, it is her parent's secret weapon to turn her from cranky-girl into happy-girl. Her momma suspects the house will need the addition of a second bathtub before much longer because if B likes baths as much as her momma does (and this appears to be the case)... there's going to be a run on the bathtub.
1 comment:
Hey, she's smiling! You didn't tell me she started smiling. I have been waiting to hear about that first smile. What a difference since I was there. You need to get a video of when you and she are babbling back and forth on here. Thanks for keeping up with the blog. Great pics
Love you all and I'll be calling - cha cha
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