Aside from the obvious, “we have a new baby in the house,” we also spent 10 days at Mary Bridges Children’s Hospital as Little Bronwyn fought her way through both pneumonia and bronchulitus. The poor kid wasn’t even two weeks old when she made her first trip to the E.R. She’s much better now, but that was a rough time for the new family.
I have returned to work after my 3 week hiatus to celebrate the birth of my daughter and to watch anxiously as said daughter struggled to breathe. Crystal has taken on the temporary role of stay-at-home Mom for a few more weeks before her and Little Bronwyn go back to work. Her employer has a generous policy regarding mothers and their infants in the workplace.
Crystal has done a great job during her first week at home alone with Bron. I know it’s an exhausting task but didn’t really understand until I had my first home-alone session with Bronwyn. Crystal visited some friends on Saturday, leaving the two of us alone for 6 hours.
Bron and I got along marvelously but by the time 6 hours was up I was exhausted and somehow the house was a disaster. Clothes and burp rags littered every room, dishes and milk bottles filled the sink, kitchen cupboards and drawers were wide open with their contents very askew…you get the picture. I realized that simple household tasks are performed much differently when you have a crying baby in your arms.
More updates to come, though probably not every day. One of the tasks made very difficult by a crying baby is sitting on a computer to update the world.
Thanks all for the support and words of encouragement during Bronwyn’s recovery.
Here's Bron's enough-with-that-dang-camera face

1 comment:
Wow, great pictures and great video. I have to come back here more often to see Team Green. Good job you two. I think I remember the "transition" phase of childbirth and it sounds like it hit you at 9:55. Even when she wasn't feeling good she was looking good. Love that great big yawn in the video. Glad you got that. Love you all - cha cha
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