Wow- it's hard to believe a week has gone by already... we're relishing our time at home with little Bronwyn. She is the perfect baby and has made the transition very easy for us. She eats, sleeps, pees, poops and does it all over again with a minimum of fuss. We spend our days and nights observing her and talking about her.
We're tired to be sure, but adjusting to parenthood rather well.
Some pictures from today and earlier this week...

Day3: She loves to have her hands near her face to self-soothe.

Day 7: Notice her bellybutton? Her umbilical stump fell off today! Go Team Green!

Day 1: Grandma, Uncle and Pop-Pop at the hospital visiting Bronwyn in the evening.
Day 7: Early in the wee hours of the morning on Mom's lap, falling asleep after a feeding. Which she does every. single. time. (She also falls asleep halfway through and needs waking to finish).
Day 6: In Daddy's arms in the nursery.
Day 6: Taking a nap in the morning while Mom gets ready for the day.
Day 6: Bronwyn grasping her hands.
Day 3: Bronwyn fast asleep after a feeding.
Momma signing off here... until next time.
So many pix! Yay!!!! She's quite angelic! Love her cute little hands! Also, I love the new header! Matches the nursery! That's so special! Awww...enjoy all your moments with your little miracle!
Wow, I see big changes already! She just gets more beautiful. Great blog you two. Keep them coming. The pictures and comments are terrific.
Love you - cha cha
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