Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What I've Been Reading

I'm an avid reader. I can read quickly, tackling a good-sized book in an evening or two. While I've been reading my share of spy novels, war novels, detective/mystery novels...I've also read my way through a mini-library of books on pregnancy. As I approach my due date, I've shifted gears and have been picking up books on parenting and newborns.

I don't imagine I will be able to read much once the baby is born, but I'm hoping to read as much as I can in the next couple of weeks. If you have any good books on parenting and/or babies to recommend, let me know!

Read Lately:

Five Love Languages of Children - lots of theory but interesting.

The Happiest Baby on the Block - very useful/practical.

Mothering without a Map- I'm almost done. Fantastic book and eye-opening.

On My Shelf/To Be Read:
What to Expect the First Year

Wish List:
Parenting with Love and Logic
Secrets of the Baby Whisperer
A gazillion books on attachment parenting and more below...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the emotion coaching book "raising and emotionally healthy child" (i think) is a great one. absolutely fantastic. but slightly more applicable once the baby is moving. :) I heard the most wonderful wonderful song/poem last night, and absolutely want to share it with you but i can't find the words!!!
soon... -sadie