Monday, October 20, 2008

Practicing Gratitude

There are things that have come to light during my pregnancy journey, both great and small, that I am grateful for and no longer take for granted.

My appreciation for the following continues to deepen with each day:

1. First and foremost, my partner.

For all that he does and all that he is. Kevin has made me countless meals, gone to the grocery store a hundred times, tucked me into bed on days when I can do no more than crawl under the covers and sleep. He has walked me to the bathroom in the middle of the night at 3 am because my back and hips are so sore it makes it impossible to walk unaided. Kevin has picked up my slack around the house (cooking meals, cleaning, taking care of the dogs, working in the yard).

He has gone with me to my doctor appointments, has felt the baby kicking, has cleaned up after me during my bouts with nausea, has gone to Baby's R Us (and likes it!), has picked out baby clothes, has watched me model my maternity clothes as my tummy grows, has told me I look pretty (when I feel so very unpretty), has read alongside me books on pregnancy, birthing and parenting.

He has been so kind, considerate and involved that it truly humbles me. He'll say things like "you should be pregnant for the next 20 years" and seems to mean it. Now I don't want to be pregnant for the next 20 years but the fact he wouldn't mind and would enjoy it, makes my heart melt.

2. My doggies Ginger and Bailey
They continue to be a source of delight for both Kevin and I. Their energy & zest for life, their sense of humor (they make us laugh at any rate) and the affection they have for their humans makes me eat humble pie every day. Having two furry heads to pat when I get up in the mornings, having them watch out for me and let me know what's going around in and outside the home, and having them cuddle with me on days when I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of everything are all things I am truly grateful for. Dogs really do give us far more than we could ever give back to them.

3. My family and friends
What would I do without them? They lift me up, inspire me, guide me and embrace me every step of the way.

4. My mom
She gets her own category because of her fabulous-ness. I continue to have new-found appreciation for her as I begin my own process towards motherhood.

5. Baths
I am so grateful for the luxury of baths. It is a guilty pleasure but one that I have the utmost appreciation for. Taking a bath for an hour or longer, with a book, is at the very tippy-top of my favorite things. There is no bodily ache, no worldly worry or mental stress that cannot be alleviated by soaking oneself in warm waters.

6. Books
I read every book as if it may be my last. I am completely aware that I may not have time to read like I do now when I have a baby and so I cherish each word. I read slower (really I do!) and savor every page, grateful that someone was inspired enough to express their creativity on the page and share it with readers like me. To all you writers out here, thank you!

7. My home
I feel lucky and privileged to live under the roof of my home. It isn't perfect and I far too often focus on its flaws and the things I want to improve, but more and more, I am grateful for the fact it shelters me, and provides for me a safe sanctuary and a place where I will be able to raise my family.

8. My health
I am grateful that I have been healthy most of my life and that this pregnancy has continued to be healthy for me and the baby.

9. Bowel movements
Now you wouldn't think I'd put this here. I'm not trying to be funny. Constipation during pregnancy is not funny. Anyone who has been pregnant understands what I'm talking about here. I am deeply grateful for bowel movements. They are a cause for celebration and deserve mentioning.

10. Sleeping through the night
This has started to become a thing of the past, but getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is something I am grateful beyond measure for. Being able to sleep on my back (a different category but getting lumped here just the same) is something I won't take for granted anymore now that I'm required to sleep on my side, which makes my hips and back ache, despite mountains of pillows/body pillows. Not having to get up every three hours to pee, is something I miss too. Both of which (sleeping on my back and not having to pee every three hours) are things that enabled me to sleep through the night.

11. Veggies
I like veggies. I like them on pizza. I like them on sandwiches. I like them an awful, awful lot. Mushrooms. Olives. Green Bell Peppers. Carrots. Onions. Taters. Tomatoes (a fruit I know). Cucumbers (another fruit). Lettuce & all manner of leafy greens. Squash. .... Thank you veggies and the farmers & laborers that grow them so I can have a happy, healthy, nutritious pregnancy.

1 comment:

ashley koe said...

wow. that sure is a lot to be grateful for. i'm so enjoying your sharing of your journey :o) and for that, I am grateful. :o)
I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!