Wednesday, September 17, 2008

18 Weeks

We’re 18 weeks now and Baby Green is as big as a baked potato. Not one of those dinky little red potatoes; a real baked potato - a honkin’ 5½” seven-ounce tuber!

Crystal can feel the big ol’ tater adjusting itself in her belly every once in a while. No big kicks or anything, but she says there’s something in there.

We went to the doctor last week and everything is going well. Baby Green’s heartbeat was 155 beats per minute, a healthy rate. Crystal was able to dish out her daily dose of I-told-you-so’s my way with assistance from the doc. Yes, vitamin water is safe. No, Crystal patting a little drumroll on her belly isn’t hurting anyone. Yes, Flintstone chewables are still a good alternative to the prenatal vitamins Crystal can’t stop puking up.

I admit it, I’m a worrier.

Here’s the latest pic of Crystal. Friends are telling her she’s showing now.

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